Green Meetings

Proud to be LEED Platinum Certified

LEED-platinum.pngThe City of Monterey has demonstrated a great commitment to sustainability and the environment through policies and programs such as the Green Building Ordinance, free recycling, the Commercial Food Scrap Collection Program, plastic bag and polystyrene bans, and the smoking ban on Municipal Wharf I. In 2014, the City of Monterey adopted the Environmentally Preferred Purchasing Policy (EPPP). In addition to considering price, performance, availability and safety considerations, staff has been directed to consider environmental and health impacts when making purchases.

  • With this policy in place we will further our dedication to making Monterey an environmentally sustainable community.
  • In concert with the EPPP, the new Monterey Conference Center has achieved a LEED Platinum Certification.
  • LEED is transforming the way we think about how buildings and communities are designed, constructed, maintained and operated across the globe.
  • LEED certified buildings save money and resources and have a positive impact on the health of occupants, while promoting renewable, clean energy.
  • LEED, or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a green building certification program that recognizes best-in-class building strategies and practices.

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